Tantra as a way of life

Tantra is so much more than most of us will ever know. It is a lifestyle, a way of thinking, feeling and experiencing life. It is very physical, but also very spiritual, very grounded and very … ah, you fill out the words… tantra is even beyond words.
At first we are energy, nothing more than an idea of love between our parents. Then by making love your energy is drawn into reality and after 9 months there is the first visible and physical state of you. A beautiful human being made out of love, energy and stardust.
You slowly start to grow, learn to use your body, your speech, your brain of logical thinking, but… one thing is so often not trained: your feelings. And that has nothing to do with emotions, no, just your feelings, to make a difference between your energy and the energy of the other person, to make a difference or preference in what you eat, what way you want to be touched, what your needs are, and how you can become a whole unique being among the billions here on this planet.

To develop the feelings, tantra is the answer. Not only to make feelings clear for yourself, but also to experience the feelings in connection with someone else. How do you touch, where do you touch, what makes your touch more pleasant than another ones touch, how can a touch or a word raise the energy of yourself or one another, how strong or flexible are your boundaries? A thousand questions which can lead to a beautiful interaction with your self, with another one or with the whole universe.

We will for sure not be able to answer all of these questions. Also we are learning every day, but… the things we learned so far, how comfortable or uncomfortable they can be, we will gladly share with you, to help you shine like you never did before. We will teach you about touch, consent, boundaries, but also about deeper levels of energy like the chakra’s, kundalini, and how to integrate all of this in your life, your private life, but also your life in interaction with people on different levels of closeness. We will tell you about the transforming energy of kundalini, how to slowly go to full body orgasm and experience of satori, although these last we will not practice in this level. Maybe there comes a time, but for now the lessons here are already so transforming, so life-changing, so big… you will need some time to evaluate and to make it yours.