Divine University of Love is founded by Roelof and Marianna, 2 people who would never have met, if it weren’t all about coincidence, and a miraculous trust in faith. A few hours after they met there was a fire-ritual, a powerful way to make wishes come true… and they expressed the same wish. A love story enfolded and their common journey, a journey of diving deep in who we are, of searching into the deepest of themselves, that journey is so worth sharing.
Part of your journey will be to learn how to make a powerful wish.
Roelof is a trainer and coach in chakra-therapy, acupuncture, mindfulness, kundalini awakening and tantra-massage, and has worked in his practice for tens of years. All his knowledge ready to share to help you on a beautiful journey.
Marianna is a trainer and coach in different styles of yoga, self-awareness, chakra-therapy and tantra-massage, and has worked in her practice also for tens of years. All her knowledge ready to share to help you on a beautiful journey.